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the HTTP request params, mainly two parts:

  1. EnvoyContext, telling what the situation is
  2. request params, like timeout, retry, etc.






Readonly context

context: EnvoyContext

request context read from ingress traffic

Readonly customHeaders

customHeaders: HttpHeader

extra customer headers to be set in the request

Readonly maxRetries

maxRetries: number

If a retry policy is in place, Envoy will default to retrying one time unless explicitly specified. The number of retries can be explicitly set in the route retry config or by using this header. If a retry policy is not configured and x-envoy-retry-on or x-envoy-retry-grpc-on headers are not specified, Envoy will not retry a failed request.

A few notes on how Envoy does retries:

  • The route timeout (set via x-envoy-upstream-rq-timeout-ms or the route configuration) includes all retries. Thus if the request timeout is set to 3s, and the first request attempt takes 2.7s, the retry (including backoff) has .3s to complete. This is by design to avoid an exponential retry/timeout explosion.

  • Envoy uses a fully jittered exponential backoff algorithm for retries with a base time of 25ms. The first retry will be delayed randomly between 0-24ms, the 2nd between 0-74ms, the 3rd between 0-174ms and so on.

  • If max retries is set both by header as well as in the route configuration, the maximum value is taken when determining the max retries to use for the request.

Readonly perTryTimeout

perTryTimeout: number

Setting this will cause Envoy to set a per try timeout on routed requests. This timeout must be <= the global route timeout (see ) or it is ignored. This allows a caller to set a tight per try timeout to allow for retries while maintaining a reasonable overall timeout.

Readonly retryOn

retryOn: HttpRetryOn[]

on what condition shall envoy retry

Readonly timeout

timeout: number

Setting this header on egress requests will cause Envoy to override the route configuration. The timeout must be specified in millisecond units. Also see




  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Private property
  • Private method
  • Property
  • Inherited property

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